Thursday, May 26, 2016

Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with his guests from Israel and Syria (A9 TV: November 6th, 2013)

From Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated November 6th 2013
Sadun Engin: Good evening dear viewers. Tonight we have highly esteemed guests from Israel with us here in our studio. We are starting our program by introducing them to you, insha'Allah (God willing). Rabbi Yakov Margi, member of the Israeli Parliament. He is the former Minister of Religious Affairs of Israel. He is currently serving as the general director of Shas Party since 2001. Next, Mr. Muhammad Adnan Hussein, the Chairman of the Future Syrian Revolutionary Assembly, he is the representative of more than 300 revolutionary leaders of the political and military opposition to the Assad regime. Also with us is Mr. Mendi Safadi of Israeli Likud party. He is a Druze and he is conducting the relations of the Israeli government specifically with the Syrian dissidents. Please, you continue, Teacher.
Adnan Oktar: Welcome all of you, you have honored us, you have brought us grace. We are very pleased with your visit. Insha'Allah, the period that we are living in is the one where the whole world will become brothers, that peace will prevail and that the persecutors will lose their influence. This is the time that all anarchy, terror and wars will come to an end. We are in an age that love, respect, goodness, beauty, abundance, modernity, science, democracy will prevail.
Israel will enjoy the utmost freedom in the region. The lands of Israel belong to you. This is what God says according to the Qur'an. You will live in those lands and you will die in those lands. That is the command of the Qur'an, that is the command of God. Those are the lands of your ancestors. That is why those who claim the opposite have no Qura'nic or rational proof to make such a claim.
Whether in Palestine, in Israel or in Egypt, the winds of peace will blow everywhere. Armenia, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, they will altogether live in unity and solidarity as brothers.
Yakov Margi: Insha'Allah.
Adnan Oktar: Insha'Allah.
Adnan Oktar: As foretold by our Prophet (saas), Syria will also become the abode of peace. The ruthless regime, the dajjal (anti-Messiah) regime in Syria will go and be replaced by a system where love, peace and brotherhood will prevail. Our Prophet (saas) says that five women will be able to go all the way to Damascus without a man accompanying them: That is to say, the security of women, children, everyone will be perfect. We are in that time.
I will provide evidence both from the hadith of our Prophet (saas) and from the Torah: "I will take away the chariots... and the battle bow will be broken... He [King Messiah/ Mahdi] will proclaim peace to the nations..." Zechariah, 9:10.
Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi 'Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, page 44; "In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) [in other words Moshiach] no one will be woken up from their sleep or have a bleeding nose." In brief, our Prophet (saas) says that not even a single drop of blood will be spilled.
Between Israel and Turkey there is always a bond of friendship; you should in no way be concerned about it, and no one else should be. Thirty-forty politicians may disagree with Israel about some issues. Let's assume that there are such thirty Turkish politicians. A political committee of thirty Israeli politicians may similarly have some disputes, but Turkey has a population of almost 80 million. As you know, we have millions of Jewish brothers in Israel, they all love one another. They had that love back in the time of the Ottoman Empire and they still do. It would not be right to doubt whether any harm has come to this love. We love one another; we have always loved, we will always love but political disagreements might occur now and then. Attributing this to an entire nation, to the entire Israeli nation or the Turkish nation would really be very wrong.
Yes, now let's hear your beautiful words. We would like to benefit from your beautiful opinions first. Please...
Yakov Margi: First of all, I thank you for your heartfelt invitation and your welcoming. I absolutely agree with the things that Mr. Adnan has said. There is no doubt, in any conflict there is always a small group which makes a loud noise, a small minority on the fringes [that tries to stir up problems]. But the heart, the heart of the people, the majority wishes to live in peace, loves peace, and seeks peace. And I wish to tell you, as someone who comes from the people of Israel, from deep in the layers [of society] within the people, as someone who grew up there, every facet of my life; all of the people of Israel, in their entirety, wants to live in peace with the Palestinians, with the Egyptians, with the Jordanians, with the Syrians. With Turkey, it is not even necessary to mention, because we are already living in peace. There has been a small issue, and I pray that this will pass.
Adnan Oktar: Masha'Allah.
Yakov Margi: We only need… I don’t know according to religious law, according to the Qur’an, if cloning is permitted. If it were prohibited to do cloning, then I pray to God, the Creator of the Universe, that He provide a way to duplicate such optimistic people that love peace and seek peace, as exemplified by Mr. Adnan Oktar, who broadcasts such a message to the whole world. I think that things like this, initiatives such as this, projects, the work of a lifetime, what Adnan [Oktar] is doing -- has the capability of bringing blessing [a state of Divine favor] to the entire world..
Adnan Oktar: Insha'Allah. Masha'Allah, Alhamdullillah. Yes, please you go on...
Muhammad Adnan Hussain: I'm very happy to be here with you. Since I'm from Syria, I hope to transmit a real picture to those who know us as real revolutionary Syrians on the ground. I want to reflect what the Syrian new generation of revolutionaries think, such thinking that was really produced by the Syrian revolution. The major part of this thinking is that countries couldn't be built another way but by peace. The Syrian revolution and opposite to what everybody expected, has produced a very advanced youth thinking, this thinking is the base for a new generation depending on freedom, dignity and peace; and it establishes complete stability in the whole reagion.
It has been shown clearly to the Syrian people that this killer and his oppressing regime has invented a lie regarding us, about an eternal enemy who threatens us but it has been discovered that the real enemy of this region is the criminal pyramid of the Assad family, Hezbullah and Iran.
This generation has come to believe that Israel isn't the enemy, but the enemy is the one who destroyed the country, killed its children and women and men, and made its people homeless; the one who used all types of weapons to eradicate this country and its civilization, treasures and the thinking the has been produced by this revolution.
Those youth have come to strongly believe that the future is for those who care for the coming generation and establish the basis for what's comings after this stage, because we believe that whatever we grow today will be harvested by the next generation; we grow security and they harvest hope, we grow peace they harvest reassurance, we grow love they harvest cooperation and faithfulness among all nations.
Adnan Oktar: Masha'Allah. Very fine. Alhamdullillah. Yes please.
Mendi Safadi: The people of Israel… in order to foster unity between the Israelis and Syrians here, I will speak sometimes in Hebrew and sometimes in Arabic. The people of Israel seeks peace. The people of Israel has sacrificed for the sake of peace. During the last two decades, in spite of all the stumbling blocks, in spite of all the terrorist attacks that have happened, and all the attempts at deception by the other side, Israel has continued to struggle for, to attempt to arrive at, peace between the peoples. This is something that is deeply implanted within the [hearts of the] people of Israel.
After 20 years of discussion and dialogue between us and the Palestinians, I came to conclusion that there will never be a Palestinian state; not because Israel is against peace or objects to this state but because the Arab regimes are against establishing any peace, and there will be no peace before all these regimes who oppress their people go down. We are seeking together with brother Adnan, and with other brothers from the liberal Syrian opposition, to come together and go forward together strongly and bravely toward peace and democracy and for a common life for both people.
Israel has made steps for the sake of peace. Israel widthdrew from Gaza in order that it should bring peace and tranquility to the area. [The withdrawal was done] in order to let the Palestinians of Gaza live more comfortable, better lives. Unfortunately, what did we receive for this [withdrawal]? We received volleys of missiles deep into Israel, to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, injuries from the Hamas terror missles. From this we come to the conclusion that with terrorism it is not possible to arrive at peace. This is because the purpose of terrorism is to to cause anarchy, the destruction of tolerance , and the ideal of peace. With these people we must be firm: We need to stand as one. I think that it is the Islamic nations, the tolerant ones, the tolerant people within Islam, these are the people – before Israel – who should deal with these radicalist organizations who destroy and bring grief and disaster to their own people.
Adnan Oktar: Yes, masha'Allah, everyone is talking about peace, love, beauty and goodness. But according to our conviction, and also in compliance with the provision of the Torah and the statements of our Prophet (saas), this will only happen in the time of Moshiach. We believe that Moshiach has already come. In the time of Moshiach, we think that the entire region will be brothers and we believe that Israel will live in the utmost comfort, enjoying boundless freedom extending all the way to Jordan, in the southeast of Turkey, in Arabia and throughout the whole region. We believe that they will re-experience that blissful time of Prophet Moses (pbuh) again.
Now let's read some of the provisions of the Torah about the era of Moshiach. Will you read the English versions also? Let me read the Turkish first and there will be no need to translate. Then we will explain them.
"... Burn them [the weapons] up-the small and large shields, the bows and arrows, the war clubs and spears.. They will use them for fuel..." that means there will be no weapons and refrigerators, washing machines will be produced instead,".. declares the Sovereign Lord." Ezekiel, 39:9-10
".. In the last days.. " that is in the End Times, in other words in the time of Moshiach, "many nations will come, they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation will not take up sword against nation", meaning the wars will come to an end. ".. nor will they train for war anymore.."; that means military drills will no longer be conducted. "Every man will sit under his own vine and under his own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid..." For instance, notice what this gentleman here has said. He said; "They launch rockets." This is an example of scaring people; but in the region it is not only limited to that. There is war everywhere. Wars between states. Personal terror. The world is drenched in blood. Notice what is said; "No one will make them afraid. The One Who says this is the Lord Who has sovereignty over everything." (Micah, 4:1-4)
"... Bow and sword and battle I will abolish from the land," God says that there will be no more wars. ".. so that all may lie down in safety." Almighty God says this for all the people in the region. (Hosea, 2:18)
"In that time [King Messiah's era] there will be neither famine nor war, neither envy nor strife. All good things will be bestowed in abundance, and all delicacies will be accessible like dust." It is said that all beauties will be like dust, that is everywhere will be beautiful. ".. All the world will be occupied with getting to know God." Everyone will be devout, God says. (Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, Laws of Kings 12:5)
Now I am reading the hadith.
"People will seek refuge in the Mahdi (pbuh) [King Messiah] as honey bees cluster around their sovereign. He will fill the world that was once full of cruelty, with justice. His justice will be as such that he will not wake a sleeping person " So he wants their comfort and not want them to be awakened. ".. not even one drop of blood is shed. The Earth will return to the age of Bliss." Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, pages 29 and 48.
"In the time of [Hazrat Mahdi-King Messiah-Shiloh] no one will be woken up from their sleep or have a bleeding nose." Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi 'Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, page 44.
"Those who swear allegiance to him [Hazrat Mahdi] will swear allegiance between the Corner and the Maqam [near the Kaaba]. They will not waken the sleeper, and they will never shed blood. " Al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, page 24.
"War (competents) will lay down its burden (arms and the like)." Sunan Ibn Majah, 10/334. This is in the Time of Mahdi (pbuh).
"Enmity and hatred between people will cease… Like the cup fills with water, so will the earth fill with peace... There will be religious unity (Everyone will believe in One and Only God). Nobody but God will be worshipped. War will put down its burden." From that point on you will not be seeing any munitions, says our Prophet (saas). There will be no tanks or cannon balls. Sunan Ibn Majah, 10/334.
"There will be no enmity left between any people." Neither between Israel and Palestine nor any other country. "There will be no enmity left between any people. And all hostility, fighting, and envy.." That is terror, anarchy and war. ".. will definitely disappear." Imam Sharani, Death-Doomsday-Hereafter and The Signs of the End Times, page 496.
Adnan Oktar: Masha'Allah, our discourse of today has been fine; insha'Allah, our guests will be here also tomorrow. We will also meet tomorrow, insha'Allah. Let's not tire them for today, because they came early. They can take a rest. We thank them a lot. They have been so kind to come, they have honored us and enlightened us. We also convey our greetings to all our brothers and also to those who love them.
Yakov Margi: With love and peace.
Mendi Safadi: Our hope is that, insha'Allah, there will be peace all over the world. Hazrat Mahdi will come, that is what we believe. One day all children, families and everyone will live together in peace and love.
Adnan Oktar: Masha'Allah. Alhamdullillah, that is very nice. May God make them successful, may God grant blessings and goodness to you all.
May God not disrupt our brotherhood.
Yakov Margi: Amen.
Adnan Oktar: May God eliminate wars and terror, solidify our brotherhood. May God beautify everywhere and may Almighty God render everywhere idyllic. Insha'Allah.
Guests: Shukran.
2013-11-15 18:45:15